

Latest News

Tuesday May 12, 2020

Our new event series: ASI Fireside Chats

Today we launch our new ongoing event series, perfectly tailored toward the general community, with no scientific background.  

It's a free Q&A session tailored toward the non-scientific public who simply want reliable, accurate information.  This is a great way for the public to cut through the chatter, ask their burning question, and receive a scientific, evidence-based answer in plain language. 

Our first session is "Can we become immune to COVID-19?"

On Tuesday 19th May, we will be hosting our FREE online session with Prof. Stephen Turner, ASI Vice President, moderated by Dr. Connie Jackaman, ASI Honorary Secretary.

Please help us reach the general public

We ask a big favour of you please - to let your family and friends know about these free sessions.
We would love any help to raise awareness of our new event series!  

We also welcome ASI members to register - it's a wonderful way to start a conversation and share your love of Immunology with your family and friends.

Register now

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