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Thumbnail for Receive $1000 off your next article in CTI!- OFFER ENDS NOV 30TH 2018

Tuesday November 06, 2018

Now there are even more reasons to publish in Clinical and Translational Immunology! Did you know? ASI has their very own journals, Immunology and Cell Biology (ICB) and Clinical and Translational Immunology (CTI) Several years ago ASI launched ICB’s sister journal, CTI, to publish articles with a strong clinical or translational focus CTI has grown quickly with over 150 papers published in the last few years! 4 Fantastic Reasons to Publish in Clinical and Translational Immunology: Receive a 20% discount off the cost of publishing in ...

Thumbnail for Become a member of ASI Council

Wednesday September 26, 2018

Nominations are called for positions on ASI council, commencing at the Annual General Meeting in Brisbane in November. Please complete the nomination form and return to Elissa Deenick, ASI Honorary Secretary, by COB Wednesday 7th of November, including a 200 word biography. The following positions are open for nominations: All positions are three-year positions and will run from 2019-2021 Voting Council: Branch / Regional Representative for WA Branch / Regional Representative for ACT Represent the members on Council, organise local branch activities, financial reporting to Treasurer. If ...

Thumbnail for ASI Visiting Speaker Program nominations- 2nd round 2018

Monday September 24, 2018

Is there an Immunologist you would like to meet? There are two opportunities every year for ASI members to nominate international speakers to visit Australia and New Zealand, funded by ASI. The second 2018 nomination round  is now open: September 3rd - 28th 2018. Please click here for more information. Upcoming ASI Visiting Speakers: Uri Hershberg | Sep 2018 | Visiting WA, VIC/TAS, NSW, NZ | Hosted by Kim Jacobson Joel Ernst | Oct 2018 | Visiting NSW, NZ, QLD, VIC/TAS | Hosted by Antje Blumenthal Bob ...

Thumbnail for ASI Perth 2018 Awards and Subsidies- What’s New This Year?

Tuesday August 21, 2018

Abstract submission and award application deadline now extended to 10th September 2018 LAST CHANCE! Abstract submissions for the ASI Annual Scientific Meeting close soon (now extended to 10th September 2018), so we’d like to remind you of the fantastic ASI Meeting Awards, Subsidies and Travel Bursaries currently on offer. What’s New This Year at ASI Perth 2018? We have DOUBLED our Travel Bursary total funding to $40 000 this year, so your chances of success are even greater: Postgraduate Students- your chances are ~ ...

Thumbnail for Clinical & Translational Immunology is looking for Guest Editors

Tuesday July 31, 2018

The Editorial Board of Clinical & Translational Immunology is looking for Guest Editors (especially Early and Mid Career scientists). Guest Editors will be responsible for coordinating theme-specific Special Features of Clinical & Translational Immunology for 2018-19 which can include primary research papers and/or comprehensive reviews. If you are interested in acting as Guest Editor, please email the Clinical & Translational Immunology Editorial Office ([email protected]) with the potential title of the theme and a list of potential contributors to this Special Feature ...

Thumbnail for Submit an image for the 2019 ICB cover for your chance to win $500!

Monday July 30, 2018

Immunology & Cell Biology is looking for exciting and eye-catching images to use for its 2019 cover. We are offering the opportunity for your image to be the one selected for 2019. The winning entry will also receive an AUD 500 prize*. To submit your winning image, please email your entry to [email protected] and include “ICB cover” in the subject line. The closing date is 31 August 2018. Helpful advice: We need high resolution images, but if your file size is to large to ...

Thumbnail for ICB is seeking a new Deputy Editor

Monday July 09, 2018

DEPUTY EDITOR Immunology & Cell Biology Immunology & Cell Biology is seeking applicants for the position of Deputy Editor to support the ICB Editorial Team.The primary responsibility of the Deputy Editor is to support the Editor-in-Chief in maintaining and building ICBas a definitive source of primary immunology research. The Deputy Editor will be part of an Editorial Team consisting of the Editor-in-Chief, two other Deputy Editors, two News & Commentary Editors, and an Editorial Assistant. She or he will ensure the highest ...

Thumbnail for Introducing the new ICB and CTI Altmetric Awards!

Tuesday July 03, 2018

Another fantastic reason to submit to ICB and CTI Today we announce a brand new initiative, the ICB and CTI Altmetric Awards. There are two awards, each valued at AUD 500. These will be awarded once a year for a paper published in either Immunology & Cell Biology or Clinical & Translational Immunology. The Altmetric Award rewards the publication with the highest Altmetric Attention Score. What are Altmetrics? Good question. Altmetrics complement traditional, citation-based metrics by measuring how widely discussed a journal article is around ...

Thumbnail for ASCIA invite ASI members to submit an abstract for ASCIA 2018

Monday May 28, 2018

At the ASCIA 2018 Conference in Canberra (4-8 September) there will be two sessions of short oral research presentations (on the afternoons of Thursday 6 and Friday 7 September), chosen from abstract submissions. This abstract submission round will be separate to the usual conference abstract submission round which opens in mid-May 2018. The ASCIA 2018 Conference organising committee invites you to submit an abstract outlining your research for presentation in the oral research sessions, using the template on the ASCIA website ...

Thumbnail for Attention all Lab Heads, Group Leaders, responsible lab citizens:

Wednesday May 23, 2018

Did you know? Eligibility for ASI International Travel Awards and some Annual Meeting Awards requires membership in the preceding year. So to be eligible for 2019 awards, this requires 2018 membership. Be a good lab citizen! Forward this information on to your new lab member, and ensure your own membership is up-to-date so you can be listed as one of their Nominators. Why join? We offer a huge range of Membership Benefits. It’s a no-brainer really. Click here to read more. How much does it ...

Thumbnail for Happy International Day of Immunology- April 29th

Sunday April 29, 2018

2018 has been our biggest and best year yet for Day of Immunology in Australia and New Zealand. This year has been a huge success due to the contributions from many. With much gratitude we thank: Dr Gabriela Khoury, ASI Day of Immunology Coordinator Our Sponsors and Participating Institutes Jie Zhou, creative mastermind behind our new DoI logo Members of ASI DoI Committees around Australia and New Zealand the many volunteers who organised and hosted our events the public who came along to our events For future Day of ...

Thumbnail for Exciting Opportunity for ASCIA Members to join the CTI Editorial Board

Saturday April 28, 2018

ASI are currently inviting Expressions of Interest from ASCIA Members who are interested in the honorary roles of Deputy Editor and several Editorial Board Member positions for our journal Clinical and Translational Immunology (CTI). We are looking for high-profile clinicians who are ready for an exciting new challenge or are interested in diversifying their skillset. This will be a rewarding way to make a major editorial contribution to Clinical Immunology in Australia and New Zealand. For more information, please contact Prof. Rajiv Khanna, ...

Sunday April 22, 2018

Prof Robyn O’Hehir (Monash University, The Alfred Hospital) discussed Thunderstorm Asthma with Dr Shane and the team on RRR Einstein A Go-Go for International Day of Immunology. Listen in here

Thumbnail for I’m an Immunologist” ASI social media promotional campaign

Tuesday April 10, 2018

“You’re a what?” “An Immunologist.” Whether it is a family member, friend, date, other acquaintance, we’ve all been there before. Immunologists take all shapes and sizes. To help the public become more familiar with what an immunologist does, ASI will be running a social media promotional campaign to show case its members. “I’m an Immunologist” will profile ASI members on twitter, facebook and Instagram. This will be a fantastic opportunity to engage with the public and will look great on your CV. Who ...

Thumbnail for Day of Immunology Logo Competition – winner announced!

Monday March 26, 2018

Day of Immunology Logo Competition – winner announced!   With the International Day of Immunology approaching soon - 29th of April - it is with great pleasure that I announce the logo competition winner.   The new logo will be rolled out across Australia and New Zealand during our 2018 events. It will be used for Day of Immunology, flyers, merchandise and other resources. I’d like to congratulate Jie and thank the other members who submitted entries. I’m really excited by the final end product ...

Thumbnail for ASI NSW Poster Competition for Day of Immunology

Monday March 19, 2018

ASI NSW are inviting students to submit a poster explaining some immunological concepts suitable to the general public with a special focus upon HSC student curriculum. Those selected as a finalist will be displayed at the public forum welcome reception, and judged for a people's choice award and best poster. Key Guidelines: Please relate this to your own studies, and aim to include images and schematics rather than data dense graphs etc. Remember to keep it informative, scientifically defensible and able to be understood ...

Thumbnail for Invitation for Proposals for Special Features in ICB for 2019

Friday February 16, 2018

Keen to strengthen your Track Record and raise your profile? Looking to enhance your Editorial Responsibilities? Ready for an exciting new challenge and experience? Enjoy networking with other like-minded Immunologists? Whatever your motivation, Immunology & Cell Biology needs you! Help our flagship journal continue on its successful trajectory by becoming an ICB Special Feature Coordinator. As an ASI member, this is your opportunity to make an editorial contribution to one of the oldest specialty Immunology journals in existence. The Special Features in ICB have become a unique ...

Thumbnail for Call for EOI’s for a Speaker to attend Brazilian Society of Immunology (SBI) Meeting

Monday January 22, 2018

  ASI is calling for Expressions of Interest for a speaker to attend the XLIII Congress of the Brazilian Society of Immunology (SBI) October 1 - 4, 2018 SBI will be hosting their XLIII Congress and has invited ASI to participate by providing 1 speaker. ASI Council has accepted and is now calling for Expressions of Interest from our members to fill this position. Attendance of 1 ASI member is jointly supported by SBI and ASI. The successful nominee will give a talk at the meeting ...

Thumbnail for Call for EOI’s for Speakers to attend Singaporean Society for Immunology 10th Anniversary Symposium

Sunday January 14, 2018

ASI is calling for expressions of interest for speakers to attend the 10th Anniversary Symposium of the Singaporean Society for Immunology (SgSI), 31 May - 1 June 2018 SgSI will be hosting their 10th year Anniversary Symposium from 31 May - 1 June 2018 and has invited ASI to participate by providing 5 speakers. ASI Council has accepted and is now calling for expressions of interest from our members to fill these positions. Attendance of 5 ASI members is jointly supported by SgSI/ASI. Successful nominees will ...

Thumbnail for ASI 2017 – It’s a Wrap!

Thursday December 14, 2017

With 628 delegates, the ASI2017 conference in Brisbane truly exceeded everyone’s expectations. Highlights included Graham Mitchell’s life journey of an immunologist in “parasite paradise”, Lynn Corcoran’s inspiring Burnet Oration, the outstanding international and national speakers, lively poster discussions and an unforgettable Lafferty Debate. We are grateful for the support of our sponsors, as well as the volunteer social media ambassadors and photographers, who helped us share ASI2017 with the world. Congratulations to our Co-Chairs Antje Blumenthal and Kristen Radford for a hugely ...

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