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Thumbnail for Get to know our members | Dale Godfrey

Tuesday May 25, 2021

  Dale Godfrey What was your first job? Newspaper delivery boy (The Herald – an afternoon newspaper back in the day).   What are you currently watching on TV? In between TV shows right now, but just finished Schitt’s Creek, which was excellent (yes, I know, it is quite old now, but I was a slow starter).   Which celebrity would you like to meet for a cup of coffee? Jerry Seinfeld.   What would you sing at Karaoke night? Paradise by the dashboard light. In fact, I did sing that at a Karaoke ...

Thumbnail for Submit your lab hacks

Thursday April 22, 2021

ASI Newsletter competition - Submit your “lab hacks” We’re running a special column in next quarter’s newsletter of simple and fun lab hacks/tricks you’ve discovered and would like to share with fellow ASI members. Have you been using a disposable glove cuff as a hair tie when you’ve forgotten yours? Or maybe you’ve been using textbooks to create a cheap but effective laptop stand?  Click here to download our March Newsletter to see pictures of these examples. If you have any lab hacks or tips ...

Thumbnail for Announcing free 2021 Student Memberships - REMINDER

Tuesday March 23, 2021

More COVID relief for members: Free 2021 Student Memberships Applicable to student renewals received between Jan 1st - April 1st 2021 Great news for students! Given the challenging times we are in, we recently showed our support for members by announcing the new ASI Career Advancement Awards and the Carer Awards - COVID support. Today we have more great news!  We are pleased to inform our student members that their 2021 ASI membership will be reimbursed to them.    This fantastic offer is applicable to both ...

Thumbnail for The ASI Newsletter March 2021 edition is out now!

Friday March 19, 2021

Please click here to visit our Newsletter page and download your copy of the March 2021 ASI Newsletter.

Thumbnail for 2021 ASI Awards Application Rounds

Wednesday February 24, 2021

As the pandemic evolved in 2020 we introduced changes to some of the ASI awards to allow for broader scope/  flexibility, including the new Career Advancement Awards scheme as an alternative to the conventional International Travel Awards. In 2021, we will continue with these awards as per 2020. In 2020 we also launched two exciting new ASI awards, the Cheers-Buchan Education Award and Public Engagement Award. 2021 ASI Awards Application Rounds Please see the 2021 schedule below for each of the award ...

Thumbnail for The ASI Newsletter December 2020 edition is out now!

Friday December 18, 2020

Please click here to visit our Newsletter page and download your copy of the December 2020 ASI Newsletter.

Thumbnail for Get to know our members | Senga Whittingham

Friday December 11, 2020

  Senga Whittingham As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? A poet. I grossly over-estimated my talents. How many hours of sleep do you get? Varies. How many coffees/ teas do you drink per day? During lockdown a cup of coffee at the end of a walk proved therapeutic, and the number of teas are those required to maintain fluid balance. Which immune cell is your favourite?  The B lymphocyte.   The B lymphocyte was yet unnamed in 1960 when overnight I underwent my conversion ...

Thumbnail for ASI 2020 – Awards and Special Honours

Wednesday December 09, 2020

Many congratulations to the following people for receiving our prestigious ASI Awards and Special Honours. ASI AWARDS AND SPECIAL HONOURS Margaret Baird Women in Immunology Lectureship Award Michelle Boyle, QIMR-Berghofer Medical Research Institute Jared Purton - ASI Awards 1st Prize: Camille Guillerey, Mater Medical Research Institute, University of Queensland 2nd Prize: Junyun Lai, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre International Travel Award - Jacques Miller Barbara Fazekas de St Groth, University of Sydney Career Advancement Awards - Gordon Ada Fernando Guimaraes, University of Queensland Diamantina Institute Sumaira Hasnain, Mater Medical Research Institute, University of Queensland Farzaneh Kordbacheh, Australian ...

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Thumbnail for A message from our affiliate ASMR: “#advanceaustraliacare” campaign

Wednesday December 09, 2020

ASMR wishes to pass on the following message to ASI members. Dear Affiliate Members, “#advanceaustraliacare” campaign Funding of NHMRC grants is at an unprecedented low, and the health and medical research sector is unstable and on the brink of collapse. The ongoing lack of investment into the NHMRC grant schemes has highlighted that Australia is missing out on the benefits of a lot of great research. Help us show Australians and our government what we could achieve if the NHMRC had greater investment. We ...

Thumbnail for Science Communicators: Your opportunity to create a 2 min video

Friday November 20, 2020

Creating our 'Immunology Concepts' page Science communication has never been more important.  Here at ASI we've seen a dramatic surge of interest from the public in popular immunology topics, as the broader community are seeking easy-to-understand information from reliable organisations such as ASI. In the public section of our website, we are growing our resources for the non-scientific community who are interested in learning more about Immunology basics.  ASI Council recently approved the use of 'Special Initiative' funds to build our video resources ...

Thumbnail for Announcing free 2021 Student Memberships

Thursday October 22, 2020

More COVID relief for members: Free 2021 Student Memberships Applicable to student renewals received between Jan 1st - April 1st 2021 Great news for students! Given the challenging times we are in, we recently showed our support for members by announcing the new ASI Career Advancement Awards and the Carer Awards - COVID support. Today we have more great news!  We are pleased to inform our student members that their 2021 ASI membership will be reimbursed to them.   This fantastic offer is applicable to both ...

Thumbnail for Introducing the new ASI Public Engagement Awards

Monday October 19, 2020

  Introducing the new ASI Public Engagement Awards Application round:  October 19th - November 9th 2020 2020 has been a challenging time for us all, but at the same time, a great opportunity for us to increase public awareness of immunology, and of the important work that Immunologists do.  Today, we are pleased to announce we are adding another brand new award to the list of ASI Awards you can apply for!  We are now accepting applications to the inaugural ASI Public Engagement Award, so be ...

Thumbnail for The ASI Newsletter September 2020 edition is out now!

Friday September 18, 2020

Please click here to visit our Newsletter page and download your copy of the September 2020 ASI Newsletter.

Thumbnail for Introducing the new ASI Career Advancement Awards

Tuesday September 08, 2020

  Introducing the new ASI Career Advancement Awards Application round:  September 8th - October 5th 2020 for research undertaken in Jan - Dec 2021 Given the challenging times we are in and the limited opportunity for international travel, ASI will be repurposing funds originally committed to the second 2020 round of ITA's and the Gordon Ada Senior Travel Awards.  These new career advancement awards will allow for a broader scope and flexibility to apply for support as needed, similar to the Jared Purton Award. Application rounds for the following ...

Thumbnail for Introducing the new ASI Carer Awards - COVID support

Tuesday September 08, 2020

  Introducing the new ASI Carer Awards - COVID support Application round:  September 8th - October 5th 2020 to support caring costs in 2020 or 2021 ASI is acutely aware of the pressure that COVID-19 restrictions have placed on carers, limiting access to care support from both formal and informal mechanisms. To support members of our community whose carer responsibilities have impacted or will impact on their career progression, we invite applications to the 2020 ASI Carer Awards- COVID support.  We have created these awards by repurposing ...

Thursday August 06, 2020

Are you interested in receiving a shortlist of quality COVID papers? Courtesy of Christian Hoffmann & Bernd S. Kamps & DGfI Dear ASI members, There is a great resource available called the COVID Reference Top 10 by DGfI member Christian Hoffmann & Bernd S. Kamps.  Hoffman and Kamps have compiled a shortlist of quality COVID-19 papers from the available literature and made it available here (you may wish to bookmark this link). Instead of visiting the link above, you may prefer to receive a regular email in your inbox.  If ...

Thumbnail for Celebrate National Science Week 2020 - ‘I Am An Immunologist’ social media campaign

Monday August 03, 2020

Like last year, we are celebrating National Science Week with our our "I Am An Immunologist" social media campaign! I Am An Immunologist We’ve made it through 6 months of the pandemic and we want to touch base with you all! For those new to ASI, the ‘I Am An Immunologist’ social media campaign was conceptualised by Gabriela Khoury and launched in mid-2018.  The aim of the series is to showcase our members and help the public become more familiar with what an ...

Thumbnail for The ASI Newsletter June 2020 edition is out now!

Thursday June 25, 2020

Please click here to visit our Newsletter page and download your copy of the June 2020 ASI Newsletter.

Thumbnail for Did you know? You can win $200 by submitting a Newsletter contribution!

Tuesday June 23, 2020

It's a little known fact - that we offer AUD 200 cash prizes for written / editorial-style contributions to our Quarterly Newsletters*. This is another benefit you have as an ASI member so be sure to keep your membership up-to-date. Renew now if you haven't already, because our deadline is June 30.     Email our ASI Newsletter Editor, on [email protected] with a brief (1-2 sentence) description of your proposed editorial contribution to find out if your idea is a good fit for the next issue ...

Thumbnail for DGfI-ASI 4th Joint Workshop - submit an EOI

Tuesday June 16, 2020

The DGfI - ASI 4th Joint Workshop in September 2021 The Australian and New Zealand, and the German Societies for Immunology (ASI and DGfI) are pleased to announce the fourth joint DGfI-ASI workshop to be held as a satellite meeting attached to the European Congress of Immunology in September 2021 Belgrade. The workshop will run over two nights (before or after ECI) and will be held in a venue TBA in Germany. Don't miss this great opportunity Approximately 15-20  ASI members will travel to Germany to participate in ...

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